Monday, October 31, 2011

And So It Begins Part 2

The second part of this story picks up the day after my last post. Last Monday (a week ago today) was a fairly normal day. Mondays are Scott's day off so we spent the day working around the house. We talked about how the previous day's sermons Scott had been able to preach and about how encouraging it had been to have been contacted by a church. We talked a little more about getting a hotel room for Saturday night so we could visit the church on the Sunday we were in Michigan but didn't finalize any plans.

That night Scott and I had the opportunity to attend a banquet fundraising even for the Bible camp that we attend during the summer. While we were there the man from the pastoral search committee from this church in Michigan called back. We missed the call because we were in the banquet and because of the hour time difference it was too late to return the call after we were done. He didn't leave a message so we were curious as to why he would be calling back again since when he talked to Scott on Friday he said that if they wanted him to come candidate they would be calling sometime in December to set up a time.

Tuesday morning Scott got a hold of the chair of the pastoral committee and this is where the story gets really interesting. Apparently on Sunday the pastoral search committee was looking over the preaching schedule for the month of November to see who was speaking which week and they discovered they had somehow overlooked November 13 and did not have a speaker scheduled.

They asked Scott to some and begin the candidating process at their church that weekend!

He asked Scott if we had been praying that it would work for him to speak that weekend (which we hadn't but had been earnestly praying for God to make His will clear to us). He laughed and told Scott "Well someone is pulling the strings for things to work out for this weekend."

The church also offered to pay to get us a hotel room for both Saturday and Sunday night (since Scott will be preaching both services on Sunday) so it worked out well that we had not placed a reservation yet on a room.

We are still amazed at how God has worked the timing of all of this. We don't know if this is where God will choose to have us serve long term but He has made it VERY clear that He wants us there on November 13.

Please be praying for us as this weekend quickly approaches. Our prayer is that God's will be done and He is glorified through this process. We are praying both the church and Scott and I will have wisdom to be able to discern God's will.

I told you all at the beginning of this story I do not know how it will end but it has been quite an adventure so far.

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