Starting a blog is something that I have wanted to do for a couple of years. One of my New Year's resolutions was to start a blog and I got it set up but then didn't get around to writing. I kept thinking of posts I wanted to write but I knew I had to get past that first "introductory post." I decided that today would be a great day to start my blogging adventure.
I love Psalm 127:3 "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Three years ago today I gave birth to my first child. Words cannot express my thoughts and feelings as I held my first precious little gift from God three years ago today. I knew as I looked into his eyes that my life would never be the same. Over the past three years God has blessed our family with three children. Yes I had 3 kids under 3 for a month and yes that does make me a little crazy. My kids make me laugh every day, cry frequently, and cause me to rely on God in ways that I never anticipated. The posts here will be sporadic at best. I am sure you will find grammar errors which will at least usually not be caused by my lack of education but because I am trying to squeeze in a post before the baby needs fed, or before naptime is over, or while I am half asleep before I crash in bed. Trust me my typos and grammar errors will bug me as much or more than they bug you. :) But I'll have to get over the fact that these posts will not be perfect and if they bother you that much well it's not like anyone is forcing you to read this. I want this to be a place where I can share some of the things they do to make me laugh, some of the things I cry over and most importantly the valuable lessons that God teaches me every day as I raise these precious little gifts He has entrusted to our family.
So yeah, I guess there it is my very first blog post! I hope you enjoy the opportunity to peek in at our life and learn a little more about us.
Oh yay! Welcome to the blogging world! I'm looking forward to reading about your life, just as busy as mine! It's always nice to know there are other mommys in the same boat. =)