Like so often happens January began with loads of excitement over changes and accomplishing great things and is now wrapping up in the midst of a large dose of reality. This month has gone how I would have planned but I've learned life rarely does. That's one reason I have goals so that I can focus on and get back on track. I spent several days at the beginning of the month with a fussy teething baby who didn't want to sleep, then the baby and 2 year old had colds and fevers for a few days. There were about 2 weeks we were all healthy then the nastiest stomach bug I have ever dealt with hit us with 3-8 days of icky sick symptoms for each child Scott and me. I'm not going to beat myself up about where I have failed in the goals just let you all know what I did accomplish and get on with working toward February goals.
January 2015 Goals
Read 5 books - I finished 2 and am about 1/2 way through the other 3
Walk 25 Miles on treadmill - This ended up being a bit ambitious with the time I allowed for exercise. I only got about 10 miles in on the treadmill but got up and exercised 10 days this month which is progress for me.
Journaling Daily - I also ended up only doing this about 10 days this month but it is progress and I am enjoying it.
Finish James Chap 1 - This is one I am disappointed I didn't get done but then got wiped out with this sickness. I only have a couple verses left in this chapter to get down before moving onto chapter 2
Organize and Catalog 2 Totes in Storage Room - Done - I actually got 5 totes organized and cataloged!
Declutter 200 items - Done - I decluttered 270 items this month!
Cooking Day - Done
Paint Chalkboard Wall - Done and I love how it turned out
Dishes Done Before Bed each night - This is another one that didn't happen every night but most nights and made a big difference the next morning.
Monthly Date - Done: We went out to see the Hobbit for Scott's birthday
Start Sacred Marriage DVD Study Thursday nights with Scott - We got 2 weeks of the study done. One week Scott was super tired and fell asleep as soon as the kids were in bed. The last week we chose to forego because we were so tired from sick kids. It has prompted some good discussion between us.
30 Day Respect Challenge - Didn't make it all the way through this month but the days I did were a huge challenge
Make Daily Prayer List for Each Child - Done This has been so beneficial for me to start my day praying specifically for each child
Choose 4 couples from church to pray for/send card - We got through 3 of the 4 families we had chosen this month. Again that week of sickness wiped us out the last week. I also didn't get cards sent like I wanted to so there is room for improvement
Learn “I Will Sing of My Redeemer” During Family Worship - Done for the most part. We didn't get to the last verse but even our 2 year old knows the chorus and is adorable singing it at the top of her lungs
Kids practice sitting for 15 min while listening to sermon or audio book 3 times a week - This is one I slipped up on and need to work harder at next month
Spend 30 min daily playing with kids - Not everyday but having it as a priority on my to do list really helped
Spend 30 min daily reading picture books - Not everyday but having it as a priority on my to do list really helped
Read aloud 200 pages chapter books - Done- We read 206 pages this month
Have kitchen helper do meal prep for at least 3 meals a week - Did good for 2 weeks. Will keep working on it next month
Continue Catechism book done
Finish James Chap 1 with kids - We are very close. I think just 2 verses left
Establish new chore system - Done and working pretty well